Campbell River Scoliosis & Kyphosis Care - North Central Vancouver Island

Scoliosis & Kyphosis Care Options

Scoliosis Screening, assessments, monitoring, and tailored treatment plans for children, adolescents, and adults

Here is how we support you on your scoliosis journey

Since every scoliosis patient’s situation is unique, we develop tailored plans based on your individual conditions, needs, and preferences.


Idiopathic Scoliosis

For youth who have been diagnosed with Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS), we develop custom management plans to fit your family’s unique situation. We consider the timing of your child’s diagnosis, their age, the magnitude of their curve, their stage of growth, and your family’s personal preferences.


Based on all these factors, we design your scoliosis management plan. This may involve monitoring only, or it may involve treatment such as scoliosis specific exercises or custom scoliosis bracing.


Degenerative Scoliosis

Adult-Onset Degenerative Scoliosis can be an adolescent scoliosis that has worsened over time, or it can be a new condition caused by joint and spinal discs that have degenerated due to aging.


Whichever your case, we will develop a plan to monitor, manage, or treat your condition. We provide a thorough history, examination and x-ray evaluation so we can provide a full review of findings to guide you through your options. This may involve monitoring only, or it may involve treatment such as scoliosis specific exercises or custom scoliosis bracing.


Screening and Assessment

We offer Scoliosis screening and assessment. This helps us determine if a person has scoliosis. Early detection is key to early intervention and minimizing progression, so we provide scoliosis screenings in-office for all patients. Screenings are especially important for children and adolescents in their peak growth years (girls aged 10-12 and boys aged 12-14).

A positive scoliosis screening does not always mean a person has scoliosis. Ultimately the diagnosis of scoliosis is done by x-ray. There are very specific criteria we use before recommending an x-ray to minimize radiation exposure. We have the ability in-office to take the appropriate x-rays and make a diagnosis.

Scoliosis Specific Exercises


Scoliosis specific exercises are designed to increase body awareness so you can self-correct your spine’s position during day-to-day activities.


Our team is all certified in ScoliBalance to help treat any stage of scoliosis and kyphosis with an individualized plan.



Dr. West is certified to assess, prescribe, and fit patients with innovative 3D customized Scoliosis Braces. The decision to use a brace for treatment is complicated and there are many factors to consider.

A few of these factors include:

What kind of scoliosis is it?

How old is the patient and what is the skeletal maturity?

How big are the scoliosis curves and are the curves progressing?

What are your family’s goals?

Dr. West will help you navigate these questions and determine whether customized bracing is appropriate for your case. Brace treatment requires ongoing monitoring and management to ensure the brace is doing what it is supposed to. If bracing is right for you, we will guide you through that process and provide the appropriate care during bracing.